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Last week God blessed us with the visit of our dear friends from Switzerland. We had been in Bible study together in Baltimore 50 years ago and have kept in touch. The last time we saw them was when they visited in the States 8 years ago.

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Christiane is an artist and brought her handpainted scarves as gifts to Becky and I, and Max was great in spending time with Keith and going over old pictures form Switzerland and their previous visits here. On Friday we went to the Tiffany museum in Winter Park. Such beauty in stained glass! The visit has been God's touch of love for us.


Laurie and Scott came to Orlando for the week. They took Keith with them down to Fort Meyers to see his sister Marilynn and when they got back all 6 of us family went back to the Leu botanical gardens in Orlando. Sweet times.

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One of the blessings of living with Bruce and Becky is to enjoy TV together on their big screen. Here are Bruce and Keith watching a lacrosse game of Towson State (where Keith went) and JOhns Hopkins in a lacrosse match-up! A favorite sport in our Wilson clan

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These are two couples we met with in Baltimore for several years in a Bible study. We had a reunion with them here in Florida last week. Na and John, the African America couple have also been dear prayer partners since 1972 and were influential in Bruce's life growing up. They were still praying for Bruce and Becky today! A sweet reunion.

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New pics from Florida! Dr. Mary Lou, Keith, Becky and Bruce went to a well-known beach in Florida. It was her time to step in the ocean again for 20 years. She said, "Love the beauty though the beach life is definitely not my style. But there's so much other beauty everywhere - winter in Florida. You've got to love it! And we do. So grateful to be here."

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Church on Sunday, 12/15 - We celebrated Tsegaab's graduation! Anointing and commissioning as he returns to Ethiopia.

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Church on Sunday, 12/15- We celebrated Given's birthday with all-Indonesian banquet his mother and sister prepared for the church


Service of Hanging of the Greens at New Hope, the worship space after everything was put up


Service of Hanging of the Greens at New Hope, the worship space after everything was put up


Service of Hanging of the Greens at New Hope, the worship space after everything was put up


Service of Hanging of the Greens at New Hope, the worship space after everything was put up


Service of Hanging of the Greens at New Hope, the worship space after everything was put up


Service of Hanging of the Greens at New Hope, the worship space after everything was put up


Our community who helped us when our basement flooded yesterday. The theme of the service was rejoicing in The Lord🤪

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Here's a fun picture of Keith and Dr. Mary Lou that Bruce took this week when we went out to dinner to celebrate Dr. Mary Lou's 80th birthday.

JingJing's visit
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We all saw many answers to prayer in that visit - including the prayers that she would arrive healthy (she was sick the last time and we never saw her), and even had 3 seats together in the plane so she could sleep all the way from Beijing. Several friends spent individual time with her and then Marti and I took her to our horse farm/B&B in Kentucky. Here are some pictures from that time.

JingJing's visit
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One of the pictures (just below) is sideways - It is the chandeliers and lighting in the barn for barn weddings - a new craze in horse country!

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Marti and Dr. Mary Lou's outing at beautiful Lake Katherine in the Chicago south suburbs

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Bing's Dad with Nathaniel


God gave a BEAUTIFUL place of refreshment for Mari and Mary Lou at a KY horse farm, we will take Jing Jing there in October.

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This weekend The Lord brought both our children to Wheaton for different occasions, so we had some family time.  It was sweet to see them both.

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Quality time with Keith and family

Sam and Bing serve

Sunday with Bing and Sam as new staff serving communion together

New int'l students (3)

Welcome Party on Saturday where we had 20 new international grad students who are about to start their next year at Wheaton College

New int'l students (2)

Welcome Party on Saturday where we had 20 new international grad students who are about to start their next year at Wheaton College

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A trip with Marti and Rachel to the Chicago Botanical Gardens to enjoy God's lavish creation

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A trip with Marti and Rachel to the Chicago Botanical Gardens to enjoy God's lavish creation

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A trip with Marti and Rachel to the Chicago Botanical Gardens to enjoy God's lavish creation

Botanical garden (2)

A trip with Marti and Rachel to the Chicago Botanical Gardens to enjoy God's lavish creation

God has knit you into our family, Dennis What a joy and privilege. We will stay in close touch as you hear whats happening here and you share with us what’s happening (for Praise and prayer) there. May you continue to be Gods Salmon Swimmer! Shalom

Dennis came from Uganda as part of his masters at Wheaton in HDL-humanitarian disaster leadership


The privilege of a multicultural family. There are Hanny from Indonesia, Dennis from Uganda, and Sam from Hong Kong/ Canada


Worship service Sunday 8/14/19 - with participants from Haiti, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Uganda, USA, Hong Kong, and Brazil.


Evan with the youngest member of the church - Baby Nathaniel (Emily and Bing's son).

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Amy is playing the piano for our church!

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Shells from New Zealand that are a sermon illustration of God's transformation


This week our dear friend Amy Killian came to visit us from Baltimore. She blessed the church with her piano music, spent hours talking with Keith, helped us get ready for our garage sale for the church and went with ML on a trip to Sheboygan, Wisconsin. A long time, special friend.:)


A must visit site in Sheboygan, Wisconsin: bookworm Gardens which my friend, Amy and I visited on August 6, 2019. Such fun and creativity and the place was full of children with their parents - a marvelous combination of children’s books commemorated in garden settings


"Camping Ground for the night"


Trips taken with Marti and Dr. Mary Lou and Sarah for refreshment and retreat.


Two Japanese Christians connect in Toyko - a dear Japanese member of New Hope with another dear Japanese Christian whom Dr. Mary Lou has known for decades. Both are in Shepherds Daughters and now have finally met each other.


Dr. Mary Lou's past two trips to Lake Michigan, where the beauty of the Lord's creation has restored her soul.

After church, our two youngest membe

After church, our two youngest members--Given & baby Nathaniel--connected. Save the glasses!

Sam's Birthday

Celebrating Sam's birthday at an all-you-can-eat sushi!

Zoey's birthday at the church

Celebrating Zoey's (one of our church members from Hong Kong) birthday.

Mother's Day & Graduation Sunday

This is all the mothers from our church--two from North America, one from Brazil & two Chinese.

Mother's Day & Graduation Sunday

Bing, Emily & Nathaniel serving communion.

Mother's Day & Graduation Sunday

Sam graduating

Mother's Day & Graduation Sunday

These are our two graduates--Sam Lau & Bing Liu.

Mother's Day & Graduation Sunday

Dr. Mary Lou & Sam

Good Friday Service 04/19/19

Good Friday Service 04/19/19

Send Off  Party

One of our faithful church members returns tomorrow to Mongolia. She just graduated with a Masters of Christian Formation and Ministry at Wheaton. The crowd that came for her Send Off Party is a testimony to the extraordinary love and light she radiates.

Send Off  Party

One of our faithful church members returns tomorrow to Mongolia. She just graduated with a Masters of Christian Formation and Ministry at Wheaton. The crowd that came for her Send Off Party is a testimony to the extraordinary love and light she radiates.

Send Off  Party

One of our faithful church members returns tomorrow to Mongolia. She just graduated with a Masters of Christian Formation and Ministry at Wheaton. The crowd that came for her Send Off Party is a testimony to the extraordinary love and light she radiates.

Sending Off Party

A special evening to pray for and support Erin and Ana as they head to Thailand for a semester of their undergrad

Hanging of the Greens
Hanging of the Greens

We had so many people show up to our Advent Hanging of the Greens service that we had to eat in three dining rooms!

Hanging of the Greens

We had so many people show up to our Advent Hanging of the Greens service that we had to eat in three dining rooms!

Hanging of the Greens

We had so many people show up to our Advent Hanging of the Greens service that we had to eat in three dining rooms!

Decorating the church tree
Decorating the church tree
Decorating the church tree

Our international Thanksgiving family!

Decorating the church tree
Keith's Birthday celebration
Keith's Birthday Celebration
Mary Lou and Keith

Birthday picture to celebrate Mary Lou!

A New Dining Floor

With all the church traffic from the kitchen to the dining room, it seemed wise to replace the rug with a hardwood floor. Brad and Brian did the installment and everything is ready now for the church and family celebrations of November and December. Come and share a meal with us.

A New Dining Floor

With all the church traffic from the kitchen to the dining room, it seemed wise to replace the rug with a hardwood floor. Brad and Brian did the installment and everything is ready now for the church and family celebrations of November and December. Come and share a meal with us.

Prayers for baby boy!

The church met to pray over John and Emily's upcoming birth of their baby boy.

Prayers of praise

Evan's installation as the New Hope Church Discipler.

Jam session

A jam session before Bible Study as Tarsisio from Nigeria was teaching Evan from Indonesia an African song that we will sing in Sunday worship in 2 weeks.

Young Adult Fellowship

Some of our young adults enjoyed fellowship over the weekend at Herrick Lake

Young Adult Fellowship

Some of our young adults enjoyed fellowship over the weekend at Herrick Lake

Sunday Worship

some of our members here for Sunday worship

Jingjing saying goodbye

Some former church members came to say goodbye to Jingjing before she headed back home to China

Jingjing's visit from China
Jingjing's visit
Sunday lunch

Eating community lunch outside last Sunday

Sunday lunch

Eating community lunch outside last Sunday

Merian reading to Davi before church


Welcome Party for new international grad students at Wheaton


Welcome Party for new international grad students at Wheaton

outdoor games

playing cornhole at the new graduate dinner


Welcome Party for new international grad students at Wheaton


Jingjing and Alyssa having a reunion in China

Mongolian, Brazilian, and Indonesian playing in the backyard together

house dinner

Dinner with a Mongolian Family, a Brazilian family, an Indonesian, and a couple of Caucasians.

new friends

Our new friends - a Brazilian family who will start studying at Wheaton College

Alex's visit

Sharing a meal outside on the porch with the community when Alex was here

More visitors!

Widi, from Indonesia, was part of our youth group at New Hope for 3 years, then he graduated from his college and now is working on his PhD at Cal Tech. During these years he always comes back to visit, this time with a special friend. What a blessing.

Special Sunday speakers

Top global mission researchers speak at the Church.

Bible Study

In our Bible study last night on What's so Amazing about Grace, we had five Chinese, two Indonesians, and 2 Caucasians. The Indonesians, our chefs for the night, are standing so we could honor their culinary expertise.

Alex's visit

Alex is visiting us from Hong Kong and we went to Herrick Lake where we met him 5 years ago at an international outreach picnic. He was a non-Christian at that time and only 3 days after his arrival in the United States. So much has happened in his life since then.

weekend visitors
yard work at church

Marti & Evan making the "church grounds" beautiful


Zoe's Baby Dedication - May 6, 2018

Graduation Sunday Communion
Graduation Sunday Communion
Graduation Sunday
sending prayer

Graduation Sunday Prayer for those that are being sent out

Graduation Sunday fun
Graduation Sunday fun
brunch group

Last Brunch at the Mushambis'


Evan, our OPT's first sermon for the church. Peter is really a model for his life.

Indonesian worship team!
Easter lunch

Community dinner on resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday!
Holy Week Play

This week at church with our theme "what is truth?" three of our members performed the play, "Early One Morning." Mary had just seen Jesus after his resurrection, but the maid Salome and the Doctor, Luke, didn't believe her.

Holy Week Play

This week at church with our theme "what is truth?" three of our members performed the play, "Early One Morning." Mary had just seen Jesus after his resurrection, but the maid Salome and the Doctor, Luke, didn't believe her.

Holy Week Play

This week at church with our theme "what is truth?" three of our members performed the play, "Early One Morning." Mary had just seen Jesus after his resurrection, but the maid Salome and the Doctor, Luke, didn't believe her.


Dambudzo, our church volunteer among graduate students at New Hope preached his farewell sermon Sunday. His theme was, "Be Devoted to One Another" from Romans 12:10.


He said when he first came to Wheaton from South Africa he was encouraged to "find his tribe." He talked about what it means to share life together, to connect and go deep in our relationships with one another, using the model of Romans 12:1-10. But he said with the busyness of students' schedules you have to "create the space for love to happen." He and his family did that at New Hope and we will miss them when they leave in May.

Emily's mom visit

We are always so glad to have the family members of our household stay with us. Emily's mother was here for 10 days.

Alex's visit

Alex came to be with us from Hong Kong for the Christmas holiday. That was a gift in itself but we're also writing a new book together called, "Thinking Outside the Box".

Most of our house church came on Sunday for a surprise 57th anniversary party for Keith and me.

Anniversary celebration
Celebration with the children
Decorating the tree with our house
Julius and his lovely wife
Elderly ministry
elderly ministry
Evan performing Singing in the Rain

With Merian and Emily

IFES prayer meeting

An evening of prayer and fellowship for those committed to IFES - International Student Ministry Worldwide

Jing Jing and Marti

After Marti had given Jing Jing a gift for her baptism.

Jing Jing being baptised
Jing jing being annointed with oil
Praying over Jing Jing

Those who knew her well were able to pray for her after her baptism

Jing Jing and Keith

Baking cookies together. They make a great team!

Jing Jing, Dr. Mary Lou, Alyssa

Britta Christensen-Finck, the woman with the purple monkey on her shoulder, worked at the church for three years and is greatly loved by all of us. :) She and her husband are about to move to Minnesota, and this is her opportunity to say good-bye to the three of us.

New School Year Beginning

Church photo from last Sunday with our returning students and new students

New School Year Beginning

Church photo from last Sunday with our returning students and new students

Household Picnic

In the wide-open spaces of Cantigny Park, we had a picnic for our household

Household Picnic

In the wide-open spaces of Cantigny Park, we had a picnic for our household

New Chinese couple

This is our new Chinese couple, who’s now living with us

Men enjoying dinner
With Alex, our long-distance member from Hong Kong
Planting the garden
Pentecost worship space
One of our graduates from U of I-Champaign, and family
Piano stylings by Given
Our 2017 graduates
Pentecost people in red
Temporary 5
Temporary 6
Temporary 5
Temporary 1
Julius and Ivanna
Marshal and Bercy
Mary Lou, Keith, and Senang (Happy in Bahasa) - Copy
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(630) 480-2240

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