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To be a multicultural family of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In our largely white suburban area our predominance of Africans, African- Americans, Asians and Asian-Americans is remarkable. We want to love each other across cultural divides and grow together as we learn from each other. In this way we want to model heaven (Rev. 7:9).


To be fragrance free and thus a safe environment for people with MCS – Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Most churches do not have this restriction and are therefore not safe places for MCS sufferers. We want the church to be a safe place for everyone.

To share our struggles and pray and support each other in times of trouble. The church has given sacrificially financially to help our members (like the Macedonians in 2 Cor. 8).

To eat dinner together every week. Eating is a family time of fellowship and developing friendships, enabling us to be wisely and gladly involved in each other’s lives.



To be an equipping family of faith, specifically training Christians as disciples under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the in-filling of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:36, Rom.10:9-13, Phil.2:10-11, Eph.5:18-20), helping them grow up into full maturity in Christ (Eph.4:11-16). The Holy Spirit gives the spiritual gifts, conviction of sin, assurance, guidance and wisdom to make that possible when we obey Him (Rom.12, I Cor. 12, I Pet. 4:11-12, John 16:7-11, Romans 8: 15-17, 26-27, I Cor.2:9-13, Eph.1: 16-22, 3:14-21).


Our interactive framework during the sermon and inductive Bible study format combined with our size allows for people’s involvement and accountability – making discipleship training both personal and related to God’s purposes in the world. We have sent out members to work in missions globally and locally.


We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the basis for doctrine, training in righteousness (2 Tim.3:16-17, 2 Pet. 1:3-8) and understanding of the gospel and the purposes of God in the world. All our teaching in children’s ministry, young adult ministry and older adults is Biblically based.

God has confirmed these goals by allowing us to become a 501c3 organization and supplying the staff to fulfill these goals. From the beginning we have had a pastor, a children’s worker, a young adult worker, a pianist and a communications assistant.

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Saturday Zoom Meetings





Our History

From 2010 to 2019, we met every Sunday, for a time of worship as an intergenerational community. The praise time included praise music; the witness time gave people a chance to share how they have seen God at work during the week. The Biblically based sermons were backed by PowerPoint and the exposition of the text was interspersed with questions and answers so congregants could interact from their different backgrounds and perspectives. The prayer time was globally based and involved the whole church.



Current Connections

Our Goal

We no longer meet in person, but connect daily and weekly through the wonders of social media and What's App. Connect with Dr. Mary Lou to follow our Scattered Flock devotional, and check out our weekly sermons for further teaching.


Contact Dr. Alex Zhou for the weekly Zoom Link. (


Our weekly Worship time together is on Saturdays over Zoom, so all of our members around the world can participate.

9 am EST time

8 am CST time

9 pm (chinese/signapore) time

3pm (South African) time

These Zoom meetings still include witness time, so people can share what God has done in the past week, and individual check ins where a member will share his/her individual concerns and another member will pray right then on behalf of the whole for that individual. There is a brief mediation by the pastor and bible reading.

Our goal is to model authentic multicultural community where no one ethnic group is dominate, but where all the members genuinely care for one another.



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Our members are from:

  • Brazil

  • Canada

  • China

  • Columbia

  • Ethiopia

  • France

  • Ghana

  • Hong Kong

  • Indonesia

  • India

  • Japan

  • Kenya

  • Liberia

  • Mongolia

  • Nigeria

  • South Africa

  • Tanzania

  • Thailand

  • Uganda

  • Zimbabwe


Because we are intentionally a multicultural church, we feature a global perspective every week. We pray together about requests church members bring from their countries. We learn from each others’ perspectives in Bible study. An Asian-Indian leads the Adult Bible study. Here is one sample bulletin:

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Dr. Mary Lou
(630) 480-2240

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